Answers and Analysis
This knowledge base, updated to include the analyses from the 2003 through the most recent editions of the Uniform Plumbing and Mechanical Codes, continues to be a premier source for engineers, inspectors, students, contractors and tradesmen. Questions come from a broad base of users, and answers are informal interpretations of the Codes provided by a committee of code officials and special experts - they are clearly stated and to the point. This updated site combines the most pertinent analyses from the previous manual and presents them together with those based on the most recent publications of the Uniform Codes. This makes the Answers and Analysis database one of the most valuable tools you as a member can access wherever you have an internet connection.
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Questions matching UMC Chapter 10
2 results
The termination of pressure steam valves should be consistent with UMC 1005.4 due to the hazard potential created by discharge of steam or as specified by the manufacturer of the valve and or boiler. Additionally sections 904.6 and 904.6.1 of the 2015 UMC also deal with relief valve termination. Section 904.6.1 when applied, should be cross referenced with section 1005.3 (Splash Shield) that states any operating temperature exceeding 212º F the discharge piping needs to be installed with a splash shield or centrifugal separator
2. Does it apply to natural gas heating hot water boilers?
Code requires (2)temperature combustion regulators in series in heating hot water boilers.
Please provide a code interpretation/Substantiation.
2. Yes, these requirements apply to natural gas fired boilers.