IAPMO Answers and Analysis

Answers and Analysis

This knowledge base, updated to include the analyses from the 2003 through the most recent editions of the Uniform Plumbing and Mechanical Codes, continues to be a premier source for engineers, inspectors, students, contractors and tradesmen. Questions come from a broad base of users, and answers are informal interpretations of the Codes provided by a committee of code officials and special experts - they are clearly stated and to the point. This updated site combines the most pertinent analyses from the previous manual and presents them together with those based on the most recent publications of the Uniform Codes. This makes the Answers and Analysis database one of the most valuable tools you as a member can access wherever you have an internet connection.

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Questions matching UPC Chapter 15
2 results
UPC 2009 1602.0 UPC 2012 1602.0 UPC 2015 1502.0
Topic: Gray Water Systems
What are the codes and regulations relating to the use of kitchen-generated gray water?
The provisions for the installation of Gray Water Systems are found in Chapter 15 (2015), Chapter 16 (2009/2012) Alternate Water Sources For Non Potable Applications. Kitchen sink waste is not allowed in a Gray Water System.
The definition of Gray Water in Chapter 2 Definitions is untreated wastewater that has not come into contact with toilet waste, kitchen sink waste, dishwater waste or similarly contaminated sources. Gray water includes wastewater from bathtubs, showers, lavatories, cloth washers and laundry tubs.
UPC 2018 1501.5.1, 1502.3.4 1601.5.1, 1605.3.4
Topic: Cross Connection Test
1. Regarding the cross-connection test, what is meant by “annual”, once a year as stated in Table 1501.5, or interpreted as once a year in Section 1502.3 based on Table1501.5, or not less than once every four years as stated in Section 1502.3.4
2. Regarding the cross-connection test, what is meant by “annual”, once a year as stated in Table 1601.5, or interpreted as once a year in Section 1605.3 based on Table1601.5, or not less than once every four years as stated in Section 1605.3.4.

1. Chapter 15 informs in Section 1501.5.1 that Table 1501.5 is applicable to alternate water source testing, specifically “Cross-connection inspection and test” with a frequency “After initial installation and every 12 months thereafter”. Section 1502.3 informs an annual inspection test shall be performed and Section 1502.3.4 informs an annual cross-connection test shall be performed not less than once every 4 years.
2. Chapter 16 informs in Section 1601.5.1 that Table 1601.5 is applicable to alternate water source testing, specifically “Cross-connection inspection and test” with a frequency “After initial installation and every 12 months thereafter”. Section 1605.3 informs an annual inspection test shall be performed and Section 1605.3.4 informs an annual cross-connection test shall be performed not less than once every 4 years.
1. Table 1501.5 of the 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code, gives a detailed description of the yearly maintenance schedule needed for an alternate water source, which includes an annual* cross-connection inspection and test. The annual inspection, as prescribed in Section 1502.3.4, states that the visual inspection and subsequent cross-connection test shall comply with the procedures found in Sections 1502.3.1 and 1502.3.2. If in the opinion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, the annual inspection and test is not warranted do to site conditions, inspection and testing of the system may be extended to no than 4 years.
2. Table 1601.5 of the 2018 Uniform Plumbing Code, gives a detailed description of the yearly maintenance schedule needed for a non-potable rainwater catchment system, which includes an annual* cross-connection inspection and test. The annual inspection, as prescribed in Section 1605.3, states that the visual inspection and subsequent cross-connection test shall comply with the procedures found in Sections 1605.3.1 and 1605.3.2. If in the opinion of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, the annual inspection and test is not warranted do to site conditions, inspection and testing of the system may be extended to no than 4 years.

*Webster’s Dictionary defines Annual as “occurring or happening every year or once a year”.