Answers and Analysis
This knowledge base, updated to include the analyses from the 2003 through the most recent editions of the Uniform Plumbing and Mechanical Codes, continues to be a premier source for engineers, inspectors, students, contractors and tradesmen. Questions come from a broad base of users, and answers are informal interpretations of the Codes provided by a committee of code officials and special experts - they are clearly stated and to the point. This updated site combines the most pertinent analyses from the previous manual and presents them together with those based on the most recent publications of the Uniform Codes. This makes the Answers and Analysis database one of the most valuable tools you as a member can access wherever you have an internet connection.
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Questions matching UPC Chapter Appendix H
6 results
time and then discarded. This type of operation reduces the amount of grease entering into the sanitary
system and is reflected in the reduced Table H-1, Item 4, Sizing Criteria.
2. A warewasher is, by design, smaller than a dishwasher and used for small utensils such as silverware.
A dishwasher could be utilized as a "warewasher;" however, a "warewasher" could not be substituted
for a dishwasher.
materials that will create a stoppage.
volume must not exceed 75 percent of the interior area of the half of the system which is being dosed.
Dosing tanks are required by Section K 6.0 (H)(2003/2006/2009), H 6.0 (H) (2012) to be equipped with an automatic siphon or pump which discharges the tank once every 3 or 4 hours (6 or 8 hours in the case of dual systems).
considered as “structures”?
in effect, a semi-permanent structure.
The recreational vehicles (RV) park, on the other hand, serves structures that retain their wheels and,
in case of necessity, they can be moved off the slab for access or maintenance to private sewerage
In any case, the retention tank or leach field should not be placed directly under either the RV slab or
the mobile home slab. In the case of an RV park, location relative to the RV site slab could be less than
the distance called for in Table K-1 (2003/2006/2009) Table H 1.7 (2012), line 1, for buildings or structures.